People Are Saying
With direction from Oscar Raby, founder of award-winning reality studio VRTOV, and illustrated by acclaimed Aboriginal artist Vernon Ah Kee, this 360 degree evolving story paints a picture of Patima's family life and experiences during Australia's worst air attack of World War II
VRTOV’s work is all about what you do inside the story, and how your connection to the story comes out of your actions.
Leaves an impact that’s not soon forgotten; even a few weeks on from trying it for myself I can still remember vivid images and dramatic moments.
Raby’s developing style – the piece is part-animation, part-sketchbook, part-gamer narrative – calls into question the very essence of memory and testimony.
If you’re a fan of Falkor from The Neverending Story, let’s just say you’re in for a wild ride.
Among the pieces I experienced, Oscar Raby’s The Turning Forest was perhaps the one that convinced me VR will radically transform entertainment-based animation … the experience is absolutely exhilarating.